Medžugorje, sporočilo z dne 8. decembra 1981
“Če ste v težavah ali v stiski, pridite k meni. Če nimate moči se postiti ob kruhu in vodi, se lahko odpoveste drugim stvarem. Poleg hrane bi se bilo dobro odreči televiziji, saj ste – po gledanju televizijskih programov – raztreseni in ne morete moliti. Lahko bi se tudi odrekli alkoholu, cigaretam in drugim užitkom. Sami veste, kaj morate storiti.”
Medjugorje, messaggio del 8 Dicembre 1981
“Se siete in difficoltà o nel bisogno, venite a me. Se non avete la forza di digiunare a pane e acqua, potete rinunciare a altre cose. Oltre che al cibo, sarebbe bene rinunciare alla televisione, perché – dopo aver guardato i programmi televisivi – siete distratti e non riuscite a pregare. Potreste rinunciare anche all’alcool, alle sigarette e ad altri piaceri. Sapete da voi stessi ciò che dovreste fare”.
December 8, 1981 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Our Lady answers questions the visionaries have about their futures. “I would like all of you to become priests and religious, but only if you desire it. You are free. It is up to you to choose.
If you are experiencing difficulties or if you need something, come to me. If you do not have the strength to fast on bread and water, you can give up a number of things. It would be a good thing to give up television, because after seeing some programs, you are distracted and unable to pray. You can give up alcohol, cigarettes, and other pleasures. You yourselves know what you have to do.”
Our Lady then profoundly kneels down, serious with Her hands extended. She prays to Jesus: “My beloved Son, I beseech you to be willing to forgive the world its great sin through which it offends you.”